Service guide

Sami’s specialized electronics company with a professional history, has the ability to market, export and sell knowledge-based and high-quality Iranian products outside of Iran and procure parts from advanced companies. 

Some of the goals and services of Sami Trading are as follows: 

  •  Price guarantee 
  •  Buyer identification, marketing, export 
  • Selling all kinds of electronic devices 
  • Supplying original parts of reputable brands – high voltage (power) 
  •  High frequency (RF and microwave) along with after sales service پ
  • Quality guarantee (Reliability) of imported parts with a factor of 99.999% (Military) compared to 75% Chinese parts 

Due to the expansion of trade and the participation of a large number of countries in the discussion of the production of diverse products and the competitiveness of the market in various products and goods, today sales is one of the most key sectors of industry, trade, etc. 

For this reason, various companies and companies are looking for ways to increase sales and thus increase profitability. 

In addition to the mentioned companies, there are other companies whose purpose is to create a link between buyers and customers with manufacturers, which, in addition to the high variety of products and extensive communication, have entered the market and the pulse of the market with accurate planning and correct sales guidance. They play their role as a key factor in the market.